Industry Info

The innovative technology of organic fertilizer equipment helps the development of green agriculture


With the rapid development of social economy, agriculture, as an important pillar of our national economy, faces the pressure of transformation and upgrading. As a new direction of agricultural development, green agriculture is not only conducive to improving the quality of agricultural products, ensuring food safety, but also promoting ecological environmental protection and realizing sustainable agricultural development.

The background of organic fertilizer equipment innovation technology is mainly derived from the practical needs of agricultural production in China. In order to reduce the soil burden and improve the quality of agricultural products, the application of organic fertilizer has become an inevitable trend. However, the traditional organic fertilizer production process and equipment have problems such as low production efficiency, high energy consumption and environmental pollution, which can not meet the needs of green agricultural development. Therefore, the innovative technology of organic fertilizer equipment came into being.

At present, the development of innovative technology of organic fertilizer equipment shows the following characteristics: first, the process flow of organic fertilizer production line is simplified, and the production cost is reduced; Second, the automation degree of the equipment is improved, reducing the labor intensity; Third, high resource utilization reduces environmental pollution; Fourth, the product quality is good, favored by the market.

The innovative technology of organic fertilizer equipment plays an active role in promoting the development of green agriculture. By improving the production efficiency of organic fertilizer, reducing environmental pollution, improving the quality of agricultural products and promoting the utilization of agricultural waste resources, the innovative technology of organic fertilizer equipment provides a strong support for the development of green agriculture. In the future, China should continue to increase the research and development and promotion of innovative technologies of organic fertilizer equipment to help green agricultural development and achieve sustainable agricultural development.
