Industry Info

Characteristics of belt conveyor for organic fertilizer equipment


Belt conveyor has become one of the important organic fertilizer equipment for bulk material transportation. With the continuous expansion of the scale of modern agriculture, industry and transportation industry, as well as the higher requirements for material transportation in the transportation process, such as the growth of economic, reliability and sexual requirements in the material transportation process. The conveying capacity of the belt conveyor, economic benefits, installation and maintenance and other significant advantages have become one of the preferred transportation equipment. Compared with other conveyor equipment, ordinary belt conveyors have the following characteristics:

1, the conveying capacity is large, you can continuously transport materials without breaking, and you can also load and unload the organic fertilizer production line without stopping during the conveying process, and will not cause the conveying discontinuity due to no-load. At the same time, because it is not often started and braking, it can be operated at high speed. The continuous and high-speed conveying capacity is unmatched by its conveying equipment.

2. Simple structure. The belt conveyor is also set within a certain line range and transport materials, single action, compact structure, its own weight is light, the cost is low, because of uniform load, stable speed, the power consumed in the working process is not much change. Under the same conveying conditions, the power required by the belt conveyor is generally relatively small.

3. Long conveying distance. Not only is the single machine increasing in conveying length, but also the long distance conveying line can be connected by multiple single machines in series. 
