Industry Info

Screening function of disc granulator


The disc granulator in organic fertilizer equipment has a very important feature that it has the particle size classification ability. In popular terms, when the disc granulator is used, there can be a fixed requirement for the size of the product. Because of the large coefficient of friction of the feed powder and smaller particles, it is often in the bottom bin of the tumbling material in the disc and can rise to the highest position of the turntable before falling. Larger clumps are usually on the surface of the bed and have shorter flow routes. When continuous operation is carried out, the largest clumps or clumps with the required particle size of the product will overflow from the surrounding baffle, while the smaller clumps and fine powders remain in the plate and continue to increase the particle size until the required particle size is reached.

This screening function of the disc granulator is an important feature of its own, which plays a very important role in the production of organic fertilizer production lines. In many cases, the required product can be obtained directly through this function without excessive subsequent steps, such as sifting. If the particle size of the product is very strict, then as long as the rotary comb screen discharge machine is assembled on the disc granulation drum can get a more uniform particle size of the product.
