The production basis and requirements of double roller press granulator blended fertilizer Blending method is simple and flexible in operation, reduces the production cost of organic fertilizer production line and has slight environmental pollution. These advantages make blended fertilizer a better physical and chemical product for implementing balanced fertilization. The reasonable matching of basic fertilizer will play a synergistic role and receive better fertilizer efficiency. Improving the physical and chemical properties of blended fertilizers The quality of blended fertilizers depends largely on the physical and chemical properties of the base fertilizer and the chemical reactions that occur, air humidity and ambient temperature. The increase of temperature and humidity will affect the quality of compound fertilizer. When the water content and free acid content of the blended fertilizer based on ordinary superphosphate are too high, the mixed fertilizer can even lose its fluidity and dispersibility. Adding neutralizer can improve its physical properties. Organic fertilizer equipment processing commodity organic fertilizer needs two steps to make, early fermentation and treatment part and deep processing granulation part, manure processing equipment supporting the need for fermentation and throwing machine, organic fertilizer crusher, roller screening machine, horizontal mixing machine, chicken manure organic fertilizer granulator, rotary dryer, cooler, screening machine, packaging machine, conveyor and other equipment.